You should be able to see the form of the cube where all of the lines intersect. The lines from the second and third point will cross at a certain point, and from this intersection, draw a vertical line down towards the angled lines coming from the bottom point. Repeat this step through the middle point and the same through the top point, but with the top point, mark out the angle downwards.

Draw a line back through the lowest point from the 30 degree angle on each side. Draw a horizontal line through the lowest point, and using the protractor, mark out a 30 degree angle up from the line on either side. Using the ruler, draw a vertical line on the page, and mark three equally spaced points along it.

You will need a piece of paper, ruler, pencil and protractor (or for the shortcut version, using gridded paper, jump to the next section). The most common isometric drawing is that of a cube, and drawing a cube using isometric projection is very easy. They have also proved to assist the pipework fabricators to comprehend the piping routine with ease acquiring their accurate coordinates and elevations, thereby functioning as decisive drawings for installation contractors during the later field portion of the project at the jobsite.3D shapes drawn with isometric drawing (Image credit: Cmglee) Our piping isometric drawings and layouts are reliable and precise serving the designers and engineers as a prerequisite to conducting stress analysis along with the draftsmen to generate shop fabrication spool drawings. We offer piping drawing services to fabricators, engineers, contractors, MEP firms, consultants helping them with procurement, on-site-construction along with the verification and validation of piping designs.

The isometric layouts produced by our team represent all details comprehensively serving as an imperative deliverable of the piping engineering department. Piping isometric drawings are mainly generated from orthographic drawings and serve as a piece of key information to engineers and draftsmen. Isometric drawings are extremely advantageous as they exhibit a graphical representation of the 3D piping system designed for the project.